Your LTE Highspeed Broadband Router.Your LTE Highspeed Broadband Router.



The MAX BR1 ENT delivers blazing 300Mbps router throughput with automatic failover to LTE and comes without Wi-Fi, making it an ideal choice for deployments that demand high performance, and outstanding reliability. It is also Verizon XLTE certified.

300Mbps Automatic Failover 4G LTE Mobile Router MAX BR1 ENT #3

Redundant SIM Slots for Multiple Carriers

Redundant SIM slots with automatic switching for reliable network. You can also set the MAX BR1 to automatically switch SIM cards when you’re in danger of exceeding a data cap. It also allows you to travel across borders without changing SIM cards manually.

Technical specifications

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To learn more about our solutions, call (281) 667-0404, or request an online meeting.