
Wichita, Kansas School District 259


A growing student population has resulted in school staff seeing an increase in students who face social disparities and are also vulnerable to violence and chronic absenteeism.


School staff knew communication was vital and sought to supply students and parents with a mobile device to help access the resources they needed.


Wichita, Kansas, School District 259 saw an increase in steady attendance among the vulnerable population and even located a missing child.


The CPR³ platform allowed support workers to communicate regularly with students and parents through voice, text, and email.

A Kansas School District Uses Mobile Technology to Stay Connected to Students, Keeping them Safe and in School.

CPR³ Solution · Kansas School District 259

Recognizing that communication was the key to tackle these challenges, the district decided to provide students and parents a means to access the necessary resources through a mobile device. The goal was to strengthen the school community's bonds by facilitating better communication between staff, students, and parents.


Addressing the Connectivity Gap with Unique Mobile Technology

School staff knew communication was vital, but only some students and parents had cell phones, and phone numbers often changed, so district officials turned to Premier Wireless Business Technology Solutions for help.

Premier supplied the district with CPR³ for K-12 devices, helped set them up, and offered ongoing support services. School officials distributed the devices to students, parents, staff, and McKinney-Vento family support workers to facilitate communication and provide students and parents with access to the resources they need.


Providing Positive Outcomes for Students and Schools

Premier’s CPR³ platform has been instrumental in allowing support workers to communicate with students and parents regularly and consistently through voice, text, and email. Parents with a CPR³ for K-12 can use it to notify the school if their child is sick, needs community resources, or has moved to a new location. The district was even able to locate a missing child using the CPR³ K-12 platform.

Connecting People to Resources

CPR³ Program

Premier Wireless a leading provider of technology solutions designed to enhance safety, drive innovation, improve communication, and facilitate transformation. Notably, our CPR³ solution stands out as a purpose-driven device specifically customized to deliver vital resources to individuals in critical situations.

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